Quality policies of Komy Co., Ltd. are defined as following: give consideration to the environment, ensure the elimination of inconsistent products, and offer products that are beneficial to the customer. I will establish a quality management system that will help us understand the explicit needs of the customer and the market, as well as meet expectations. I will also revise the system frequently to continuously improve customer satisfaction.
I will invest in strengthening our human resources, equipment and working environment, whenever necessary.
In order to enforce these fundamental policies, to comply with applicable laws, and offer products that will meet customer demands, each business group develops, accomplishes, and periodically revises measurable quality goals. Komy Co., Ltd. has established the quality management system, which meets the requirements of EN/JISQ/AS9100, to support the policies and to realize our quality goals. I have appointed an administrator, who is fully responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of every level of the quality management system, and gave the person appropriate authority. The administrator will directly report to me of system status and necessary improvements.
Komy Co., Ltd. understands the importance of meeting customer demands and complying with applicable laws and requirements as we engage in productive activities. Each group leader is expected to proactively support the quality management system. All the employees who are involved in quality assurance, defined in the system, must follow the procedures described in the quality manual and other related documents, and pursue the policies and goals presented in this document. Furthermore, we request our contracted suppliers that are involved in our quality-related operations to also understand the policies and take active roles defined in the manual.

Tsuyoshi Watanabe
General Manager of Aviation Division
Komy Co., Ltd.
April 15, 2024