The mirror helped me get my belongings in and out smoothly
Mr.Ken Miyazawa, -
Thanks to the mirror that allowed me to see a wide area, I realized I had left something behind.
Mr. Yoshinori Yamamoto -
If all aircraft were equipped with mirrors, they would be more visible and easier for people to use.
Mr. Akihiko Ueda -
Without KomyMirror, I wouldn’t have noticed the gift fell out of my bag!
Ms. Leslie MacCallum -
I found out my smart phone spilling out of the side pocket of my bag
Mr. Wataru Tomiura -
The mirror showed me the sweets that had slipped out of the shopping bag!
Ms. Marie Nomura -
It’s very helpful because I can see what’s inside the stowage bin with the KomyMirror, without using the step fitted to the seat!
Ms. Eiko Kamimae -
A Few Words from a Passenger with a Height of 156 cm ( 5′ 2″ )
Ms. Sayoko Uchida -
I wish all airlines had KomyMirrors.
Mr. Bill Freeman -
I always find KomyMirrors very helpful on my flights.
Ms. Reiko Iechika